and expecialll at events that will drawwbig &poriiles game.uddng tonight's gaae.a ssokesman said poliie are lookinggat upcommng &pwwile police are on hhih alert... we'ree old there ii no known ttreattagainst ur area... and everyone in encouraged to go abouu their &pnormal day today..omethinn that willlbe hard for the llcal runners now returnnng many of their amily mmebers were there in support. iicluding loyooaauniversity ptudentt.. elizabeth sypek.shh snaaped this photo of her fathhr teve just 18 minutes the focus of the e - elizabeth syyek, sppctaator(oo sudden, across the sstret, a huge xplooion wwnt oof." elizabeth sypek, spectttor (onn the neet second, there was all smmke and we idn't see &anybod speccttor (on the phonee: 20.41.23 ""oo ottaabe happp &pfor y dad who the people ho lost their (lives) today." &ptalked to hii onnthe phone &pshortly after the blasts..e wassjuss a quarttrrmile away froomthe fiiish ine when it - celebbatory ccnnon fire for & wasn't until the rush of first responddrs thht peeknew ssmethhng was terribly wwile the investigat