if everybody over the age of 40 took a baby aspirin, it would have a dramatic affect on life expeck tansiry. >> you like statins? >> they have and anity cancer effect. even people with normal cholesterol. so very important that we think in those terms and that we actually think preventatively there, i say it out of weakness, not strength. most people with advanced cancer will die of the disease and i have to look at someone two or three times a week and say i don't have anymore more medicine for your disease. >> you say aspirin, statin, movement, but it's interesting, aspirin and statin are the only medicine things you look at this whole world of vitamins and supplements and you say it's all bogus. >> the data have shown in 65 separate studies there has yet to be a benefit in a normal individual with vitamins or supplements. a man takes vitamin e, he has a higher rate of prostate cancer. if a woman takes vitamin d, increased bone fracture rate. so i look at data, significant harm potentially, no benefit clearly. >> kids shouldn't have these gum my bear vitamins. i have never seen a kid wi