expect they'reing in our area i'm the long run but we'reing with f ankle an increase cost a realistic expectaave policies solutions. and maybe policy can be something that wa commission beyond that the city can think about is gu should definitely come to us with years on policies ande you, you to have a er te kroouts talentedandidates someone might have other options. >> thank you for your effort. >> stacey. >> i had similar questions on the same slide as commissioner ajami i knew we housing and housing options in around camp market and we have housing for ousi we have a couple of houses at the camp but not for employee not for employees. hopefully water and power for other uses. >> got it the grace was are t and congratulns and we have the jobs are normally skilled by did the sometimes around the so i know how hard they are hire for and it s a lot of e strategies at play and going to school is a great way of sort of getting just familiar that the puc has very interest■ía■] jobs available an that it something to think about as an employer w you're a student. i also appreciate the licenses lea