to try to justify themselves to state legislators and governors and the governors in turn expectexpected universio be economic growth. it wasn't enough for them to focus on training top-notch scientists and new world leaders and teach people to think creatively. it wasn't enough for them to produce academic research that would be transferred to industry and be commercialized. they were to play a more direct role in generating high-tech jobs, and literally creating the next silicon valley in their own background. much as stanford had been able to do and m.i.t. so this is a little bit of a digression, but when you look at how silicon valley and route 128 got created, it turns out that the university did not play a direct role in creating those high-technology centers around those universities. yes, it was very important that they spun off all of this incredible talent, mostly in the form of talented students and people who left the university to start those companies. but they didn't actually play a direct commercial role themselves. and now because of this blurring of the lines between commercial a