it is a very expenve endeavor. the u.s.itary has pulled out with their -- and i can't tell you what is happening in anbar province and nobody has a good handle on what's happening in basra, the biggest city in the south. so it is very hazy but this is what i see through the haze. i see an iraq that still has a lot of violence but we're not as aware of it. that is coming up on a big election four weeks from now. at will determine the shape of post-american iraq but all the problems we solve before the surge are still there. the basic questions, how do you share oil revenue? ? what sort of government will iraq have? all of those things could lead to violence. the only thing changing in the equation now is that the american influence, the presence is declining. and that's worriesome because it was the americans who -- the war of 2006. all of the factors are there. we'll see the elections. the crucial period will be the three months after the elections, april, may, june. will the new government be formed? will it be very sectar