ss you gain a little work experiencc- and a voucherrfor dinner at this stylish cafe- wiih menu itemsluding garden state gumbo for the past 2 years- &pwhileerockiig out on stage- bon jovi has been cookinn up this idea. and it's a family affair for the monmmuth county resident.bon jovi says: "my fatherrs in the kitchen- myy wife is the one who's made all of this happen, my daughter's been a hostees nd i'm the dishwasher." now the table is set- and ready those who can pay- the suggeeted donation is attbon jovi says: "llave a 20 in the envelope--that's helping with our overhead or taking care ou." "the soul kitchen" will be open on thursdays, fridays and saturdays from 5 to 77o clock in the evening.. and reservations are encouraged. rapper 50-cent is using &pfacebook... to fight hunger. the rapper has created a plan... where he will donate a meal to a hungry chill... every time hhs "street king" energy shots get a "like""on's part of an inntiative... witt the united nations world food programmthe promotiin runs through sunday. he also plans to donate a meal for evvry street k