going to remember your st ss at calledxperience yorty rep#ed your forgiv of them you rember tm as experienceoghe same thin again reer what heartache it broughtherefore stay away from tt's noa sin you repe again at a me of love you as y stu and aorb most of god loves you fomix y when you me his da boy ll he ma yrs we are brought by titand offes u help does u notice he coming to you n't do that s god he wl ways blesyou most impo)tant sson is and get stay in his wo every day in h%s rds a good date eken what trouble you know why because jesus yesh is e living word hearg god's wo with untanding will change her life we hope 3 enjoyed staying god'word dere on shephes cdapel families bible sty r st on ma if you wou like to recve more in#ormation concerning shepherds chapel yok may request free iroductory offer our introductory offer @ contains the go the bst audiotape oumonth&y newsletter wh a written bible study ke catog list rerence works available @ through sdepherdchapel to requt free introductoáy offer áelhone calone call-8-643-4645 2 4 s a day you may al reqst introdtory offer by writing u ma