the final conclusion for our study is around experiencetial retail and the people visiting our entities. by offering a fun dining and shopping experience, ncd's can help to draw foot traffic. that means continuing to maintain and enhance the public realm is criticizing, so prioritizing pedestrian comfort and safety, keeping spaces adaptable and attractive can help to draw customers to an area and keep them there to make purchases. also, as we have seen in ncd's in san francisco, celebrating local, historical and cultural assets can contribute to a unique and interesting environment, so programming festivals and events can draw people into the ncd's, as well. and finally, high capacity district organizations can help districts to create a great experience for residents and visitors. so these type of organizations include community benefit districts, merchants' association, community development organizations and other types of management organizations. and i believe with that, i'm going to pass it back to martin. >> so perthe request, we wanted to go over some investing neighborhoods and