the pilot has resulted in an open space where locals and neighbors have have an e experienexperson ex-- experience to take in the views. we are reminded that has the ability to create a community accessibili accessibility. we want local access to twin peaks for residents and tourists. >> chairman brinkman: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi. hi name is lincoln lighthill. i'm a resident of twin peaks, an architect and san francisco native. i'm speaking in strong support of continuing this and to thank you for what has been done so far. i think it's long over due to make that area more pedestrian friendly. the basic pitch that i want to make is to think ambitiously about the project. i think if you look at the highline in new york or the olympic sculpture park in seattle or any number of amazing landscape projects that are so common these days there's an amazing opportunity here to restore some of what is up there and bringing the hill back while also creating public access and accessible routes. so i think there's an amazing design opportunity up there to think big here. now know,i