return.does it make sense to that the deportatino process can be expidited? expidited?there are laws that give people due process. an ice officer can't pick someone up at their home monday and return them to their country on tuesday. people have a right to get a lawyer and have heard to see if they fall into certain exceptions. exceptions. what has it been like under oba? obama? surprisingly, the obama adminsitration has been very strong of it's enforcement of deprotation. they deport about 500-thousand or 400-thousand which is a huge nubmer. there has been little let up with obama compared to bush. obama has been, some would say, harsh harshwhen you say the laws dont fit, you're not a law better outcome? outcome? say this woman i talked about who went to a nursing home and checked the box that said she was a u-s citizen. she worked not because she wanted to take a job from a u-s citizen, a lot of u-s citizens don't want that job. the fact taht she fasely stated she was a citizen so that she could get income, do we treat that person the same, that'sa same category that