you say that the government is right, explainn?de to have and when you have something in the law it is applied evenly to everyone and they should be forced to follow the law. down the road change the law and make it where you can grow your veggie garden. if this is a law, the law is an ass. >> this shows the idiacy of government. can't make a distinction between a vegetable garden and raising python and having a toxic waste dump. they say it doesn't enhance values, let the market decide. >> laws today don't have a common sense. there is so little common sense . doesn't it add to the perception. >> let the market decide. this is more me, me, me stuff. people who object to it. bought a house with man cured front lines and what is happening to them. i sent a friend to look at it is a farming front and out of place. the people who bought house next door. their property values have gone down. he should let the market decide to take a hit. >> emac, what about property rights. >> they should put a walmart in the corner. >> i am kidding. o