down at the full excavation at the slide, we know that's a slide and we've done 32 additional exploratoria to find the extent of that slide. it's going to be about six 600,000 cubic yards. the slope has to be reached to come down and the rocks will need to be replaced with concrete. we feel like we have good definition of this feature at this time with this additional exploratoriaary work. the scope has been given to the contract or and they are currently working on a schedule and pricing. this slide shows kind of the detail of the full excavation. you can see the heavy shot creek and rock reinforcement of that slide. the ladder is there to do the detailed mapping of the rock and decisions of the reinforcement as it comes down. this is a realtime decision making process and the decisions need to be made in the field. in fact in that photo are some staff of california division of safety of dams. they are there with our folks in the field approving these changes as we come down. again, we did 32 additional core in the last month. this slide shows a project team member along with the member o