exposeddata breach has not just problems thereby within the underlying economics of writable reporting. one out of four people have an error on their credit report, there are many errant claims, not all of them pay their debts. try getting your credit report fixed. there is no legal requirement that there be any accuracy in your credit report, beyond which, the system and the economics with an credit reporting do not favor fixing it. there should be something in there to address this. there should be something in here to address some of the problems uncovered in the wells fargo thing. other major deregulation bills have included new consumer ideas , community development financial institutions act was tosed to help provide access low income communities. we could use more access to new businesses, more access to credit for new businesses. coupled with that, it would be nice if this were the end. one of the things i like about this bill is that it accepts the and tries to frank modify it. i do not feel an acceptance that a modified framework is enough to put this issue to bed and move on