to hear her exppanation. 3 (sheila dixxn)"i'm eally just finding out about this situation and now ii trying to work to rectify it i mean ive tried to do y bess.. ive completed my coomunity service ive made alot of ayments closs to 20 thousand and im workinggto resolving this""- this"dixon is still collectiig pensionnfrom the city.she's due in court on december 7th... tt aaswer to violation of probation charges. 3 the road is no longer a river, but the streets re - doontown baltimore ...thhnks to anotter water main break. 3 were vacuated yesserday aae now back in their homes... and &pdo have water. ut things are still far from normal. smith is live on charlee including how long commuters this aaea. guyy... look 3 publii works ii expected to come 3 here sometime this morninggto do more digging and removing & of asphalt... to get a beeter feel for howwbad his reelly is. 3 at least the water as been cut off, ecause yesterday, you needed a boat to navigate ttis stteet. water rushing everywhere. a 0- foot,,ccst iron ater main burst at 8 a-m, and it didn't take long to fllod the streets in