they want to express sleeplessness is in to meet a strict construction of the constitution necessarynd proper clause could not be used so that is voted down. >> what were the other amendments that was part of the debate? >> what became the third amendment sent out the anti-federalist will include the phrase that they have the right to instruct and this gets down to a fundamental difference with the anti-federalist view of representation. . . this idea of representatives voicing the opinion of the people who elected them and so there is a long debate over that and it's defeated. and the second and rather funniest debate is over the militia what we call today the right to bear arms and all i can tell you though i certainly don't want to get hate mail i read every single word of that debate. many times over. let me be clear they never said individuals can't own guns. they simply never talked about individual ownership of guns at all. that was not not a word about individual ownership of guns. this is why it's so important understand the 18th century context. the states wanted to maintai