everything is expureeing in december.ll never have enough time if they don't take leadership here, the economy sells off, the economy worsens, they're not that stupid. >> wait, they want to be reelected. it's the impact they would have on the electorate out there. if they vote to keep the tax cuts there, the republicans -- >> i think they will come to an agreement, there is no way they would let dividend taxes, that would be a disaster. they extend some of the tax cuts but not all. >> i think it will fall to the lame duck congress after the election when it won't matter or have an impact on them personally and if they are reelected. they'll get it done, but it will be compacted as per usual between the time when the election occurs in early novemb november. >> i see one coming here, and in the meantime the dow is coming back, down just 28 points right now. okay, and look at that, the nasdaq -- i'm telling you, the headline tomorrow will be the fed extends operation twist, and the market finishes unchanged. >> and they did