like, do you have to work to compose expwrurs go, "we are the fourth estate. we're the news.emain impartial and truthful"? >> well, first of all, on the face thirng a lot of botox. ( laughter ) ( applause ) i can't-- the truth of the matter is that it's not partisan to want facts and the truth. and it's not partisan to expect decency from people, and especially our leaders. >> trevor: donald trump said we're going to put these little fights behind us, but then immediately after the speech, mike pence went to all the news stations to comment and nobody came to cnn. >> you noticed. >> trevor: i noticed. i was like where's pence? and he wasn't on your shows. as journalists, as cnn, can you still do your job without access to the presidency? do you need the president to say, "come into my house and let me tell you what i'm doing." >> let me tell you something-- the idea that we need to have them come on our shows and that we should calibrate our coverage, that's a-- from a bygone era. cnn is kick ass. ( cheers and applause ) cnn is-- we are covering him fairly and aggressively. w