t not everybody who exriences this trauma delops borderline personality disord, so you havto go ck and ask the eson why are some individuals particularly vulnerable to develop this sorder when subjected to trauma, whereas other individuals make-- how shali say? a better adjustment to a terrible situation. dr. cowdry and his colleagues nimh have been le to re-cree the dysphoria that in our case,experienc we tried tuse procaine--ug. administered procaine, which seems to activate areas of the limbic system-- and found that borderline personality disorder patients were particularly prone to experience dysphoria when they're given procaine. there are a number of biological hypotheses that one could formulate. one of them is that the limbic system, which is a relatively primitive part of the brain that is involved with drive states, particularly, including aggression, is different in these individuals. it may be that borderline patients with a biological factor,itional factor, th a genetic predispotion and you put them i a certain environmen and the whole picture into what lar becomes a bord