. >> what are your thoughts on new projects like exrzra klein's website or some of these other whoforms where reporters believe they have created a brand identity is sufficient to make themselves commercially independent from either where , do you think that is something that is going to become more prevalent? some critics believe if there is any model but need that -- beneath that. >> i'm not a good judge of what will succeed commercially, but i do greatly appreciate that kind of development because in the two examples you gave, these are deep onto go broad and issues and policies and subjects in a way that you often don't see or get through traditional mainstream media or even a lot of the new media which can be almost by definition, if we are talking about twitter, short and to the point and superficial because how much can you really say in 140 characters? i think explanatory journalism is hugely valuable. the matter how steep in the news you may be, and you and i are a steep as one can be, there are going to be subjects where he read the newspaper in the morning and the story start