those exspoalsed to a thern hall smoke had higher body weight and more body fat than those who were not exposed to it. they also showed a larger volume when it comes to lowering fat intake. >>> if your child is biting, it doesn't mean in they're bad kids. they're probably going through a phase and there's a variety of reasons. >> they may being -- be teething, frustrated. a variety of reasons. >> if your child does bite, doctors say to remain calm but let them know that biting is not okay before redirecting them to another activity. >>> flu season typically runs from october to may and most clinics have vaccines ready by the end of september. this year the vaccines are out. if you get a flu shot now, will you be covered for the entire season? the answer is yes. it's bet tore get vaccinated as soon as possible. yearly flu vaccines are recommended for everyone six months of age and older. we want you to know that is the's for all the health news you need. you'll find interesting categories to help upand family get all the information that you need. >>> coming up, a popular du