i served for a time as the chair of the external advisory board at the cia and on the defense board. i have top clearances. there is no question that the chinese invest heavily in hacking all kinds of things in this country from business to industry. there is no question that cyber espionage has been a tool of the chinese and others for some time. there is no question that it is the new front, the new face of t century economic as well as political conflict. i agree with the questioner that solving any one of these big problems requires private public partnership, cooperation between the private and the public sector and i think there has been a fair amount of this. i also encouraged by the fact that there is a huge community of entrepreneurs here in the northern virginia area who are focused on the cybersecurity threat. and from whom we might over time see some terrific inventions that will keep us ahead of this threat. but the first step towards solving a problem is always to speak it, publicly. i'm encouraged that we are actually saying, publicly, we have a problem. china is part