same thing when eyrohtheir cpurs in, and i keep a couple of old typewriters in my office justf'- >> jay, where do you think the resistance is to that question? o ieresting source i found is i think that, for ame,earerts ght to be operating with a network 100eople helpg them with their beat, and in trying g rorrso e e virtues of that approach, one of the lines of resistance has woinonitpeople, myre what i'm stories will get stolen, and this has proved to be a major stumbling block. how can you be open with readers and users if you're worried about your competition stealing your story? so that's ennein of resistance, and then, as clarence said, some of it is just generational, just people who had been around who mastered journalism when it was done on a other platform. they just can't get with any of these tools. >> i'llivyoanhe ame, too, by the way. i asked for permission to write for the huffington post, as some of my colleagues on other publications do, and it went up the bureaucracanba, d they said, "well, huffington post competes with our website, so we shouldn't do that." >> so say