. >> as for ie ezequiel manuel. i like ari.y, he's smart, he gets it, he plays rough in show business which i like, but i tell you this, if he had developed a script called the obamacare rollout and a writer named ezequiel showed up. and he managed to make willy loman look like ron propiel. and he's got quite a saliva run there. you could take a ride at disney in that spittle, for christ's sake. i know where they put the keystone pipeline, right back here in his jaw. suffering succotash. at least he's preaching the b.s. he's trying to get me to swallow. when you're an architect for the house of cards, you go down in the records for the architect who built the tacoma bridge. i requested some footage. the great walter lance first provided this when i watched woody woodpecker as a kid. there is obamacare right there if it was a bridge. and i'm going to continue to call it obamacare, although they call it the affordable health care act now. i'll change calling it obamacare when the president changes his name legally to barack affor