and from washington, ezra klein of the "washington post." i'm pleased to have both of you here to put some of what has happened in arizona in perspective. ezra, many people first make the statement that there is no connection, apparently, between this man who's been charged with this crime... or these crimes and any particular political movement or any particular piece of rhetoric. but they do suggest that is there may be something in the air and that when you have someone who perhaps has imbalances there may be a connection. do you buy into that? >> i don't buy the idea that there's any causal connection between anything that anyone or even any group of politicians or movement said and what happened in arizona. the way i've been thinking about it, though, is that what has been happening in the national conversation, this searching feeling about our own rhetoric and the way we're practicing our politics is akin to watching a loved one die of a disease you're not likely to get. we've all seen this happen and it helps people think about how to