we say pra ezuitska baroka. yana first, jan velma fashionable in these styles. aroka gill ardenoў, damіnіkantsaў. the franciscans were timidly noble, jumpy, cold, fashioned churches, just because of such national implications, such a nostalgia for chivalry, as if it were no longer a thing, and in the 18th century they were patched up for centuries, uniyak baroques, and dozens of churches. ў і klіshtaroў, famous baruns, bytsen, zhyrovichy, berazvedchy , here you can call saproud masters of architecture, the truth is not all the yans are left behind, so eighteen... in the 18th hundred years of the rays there is a union, and the kali paraunovatsk, vilensk baroques and the production of all our cascels in javintsy, then we don’t know all the unnecessary elements, but the solution is what, this kascel, which belongs to the order of the franciscans, and the yans, as if they did not work like that in the 18th century, were so necessary, they all followed their traditions, the yans were large, let’s say, cohesive, yana in this place and, i agree with the law. gather anot