f.b.i. santa barbara's police the sheriff's men and other agents. many different uniforms for more than fifty tasks. along here that. is in charge of arresting two of the gang members suspected of being the murderers . here is the first of them a latino who at this time of night still sleeps soundly the gang leader relies upon the solidarity and protection of his group and you know me and you know it's number one is criminal history includes possession of controlled substance possess them purchase of a controlled substance contribute to doing a minor of obstructing resisting a police officer and hit and run with property damage has a particularly the criminal history somewhere. with convictions for biden saying. and weapons yeah. the a.t.f. the federal agency which takes care of fighting against alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives has been investigating them for more than a year. the swat team is going to assist morale as man. arrests will be made similar to. i. at six am the assault on the house takes place. i. a surprise tactic works well the