well let's turn to some banker species in the headline the first one the correlation of laughter f.o. mc meetings this is the central banker species the f o m c is the federal open market committee at which the polar bear oh sets global interest rates well apparently somebody had the clever idea of actually looking through the transcripts of the meetings and they found that the number of recorded laughs actually increased in frequency from two thousand to two thousand and six the peak of the global financial bubble in two thousand and one f o m c erupted into laughter sixteen point five times per meeting on average in two thousand and three it was over nineteen in two thousand and five twenty seven and then in two thousand and six the f o m c burst into laughter nearly forty four times per meeting yes because they should be printing money or doing something responsible but instead they're stroking this money. who are federal reserve germans who you know the problem is that the stuff can make you see hallucinations which i'm not this is the guy the sound of the stone and saying. well. thi