fabian ruiz was actively trying to kill jimbo. >> out on the streets. looking for him to hurt him. when i saw him in here and i was going to beat him up. and he, he didn't want to fight. >> god has brought a lot of things back to me. friends, family, who want to kill me. >> it was probably just the right time for us to see each other and talk about it. >> coming to this church it made me step back and -- and like try to -- focus on what am i doing wrong with my life. >> my cousin. i love him. so, i mean, really -- whatever goes on on the streets. it ain't that serious anymore. >> because of this they were able to put that aside. two guys just got saved that might have been dead in the street. >> but the church service deputy vails helped foster along with an inmate could be coming to an end. >> before we start as always we'll give it to our ceo, mr. vails. [ applause ] deputy vails is leaving for another job in the sheriff service. this is the last service he will supervise. unless another deputy volunteers to step in, the weekly gatherings will cease.