fabienne 100 analyzes the energy market for investors and c o 2 emissions trading will probably keep him busy for some time. can see if it is the market is essentially a political construct the gradually reduces the number of emissions permits in the long term the only way is up. europe's political leaders want to make the cost of a middling c o $2.00 increasingly expensive you pollute you pay for it $1.00 c o 2 permit or credit allows a company to admit one ton of the gas and the pressure is paying off the cost of a middling is rising as politicians gradually reduce the supply of permits but at $25.00 euros a piece are they still a worthwhile investment. i would do you know you can get in our market based assessments of where the price will settle based on supply and demand tend to quote lower price ranges of $30.00 to $40.00 euro's a ton of c o 2 by 2030. 5000 people who view the system as a whole ask what price do we need to levy to achieve the goals we've set. and they quote much higher prices of $60.00 to $70.00 euro's a tonne by 2030. from there you're not far off from 100 euro