part director fabio faraco is managing the exercise. the group regularly participates in emergency training in order to be ready if there's ever a real forest fire. the fire brigade is made of a people living in nearby villages, mostly farmers and laborers who work in forrester protection during the hot summer months. we are in the northeast of brazil, in the pau brazil national park. there's a rich variety of nature here, vastly different ecosystems thriving side-by-side. one is the mussununga forest. >> mussununga is a knee -- is a unique habitat here in southern bahia. it's characterized by sandy soils. the ground is very loose and the trees have to adapt to that. the trees aren't that close together. more light enters the forest, as do other plant species, like millions or orchids -- bromel iads or orchids. >> the part director says vanilla can also be found here. its fruit is the precious vanilla pod. many plants and trees have adapted to their environment in very special ways. >> this is the paraju, a tree quite common to this reg