fabiola: ok, with an optic telescope, you look in the sky and that is what you see. ashlee: yeah.abiola: with alma, whatever you don't see with your eyes, whatever is black, that is a lot, you see with alma. ashlee: alma sees in what is known as the millimeter range of the electromagnetic spectrum, far beyond the visible range seen by optical telescopes and the human eye. armed with this superhuman vision, alma can unveil all kinds of magical stuff in the universe that would have been invisible before. to get an idea of what wonders alma is finding in space, i went to the control center, where i met this very tall man. richard: at one time when i was in graduate school, i was supposedly the tallest astronomer who had ever lived. [laughter] richard: the younger generation is taller, so i'm not sure that is still true. ashlee: richard simon and his fellow astronomers are using alma to look for the origins of stars, life, and the universe itself. with alma, they are able to see the cosmos in more detail than ever before. i was looking at the work you guys do. you can spot even sugar