of color, so let's say biology, education, the humanities or over english, right. the humanities overall, you still are not seeing large influx of people of color, faculty positions. i will say it, with the exception of area and that's ethnic, you know, all all folks of color have equitable represented asian in ethnic studies. but outside of ethnic studies is an equitable rapid representation. and so part of that has to do with something that we'll talk a little bit more about as well. but one of the one of the issues is that if you not receive your ph.d. from an eu institution, it is really, really tough to get a position at an eu institution, meaning, you know, a major, highly selective research institution. it is really, really tough because there are these pervasive biases which, you know, we're going to get into. but and so if you're in, you're definitely seeing people of color getting phds, but they're tending to get phds at non eu institutions, which is limiting where they can grow because of the systemic bias. cs that we have as faculty, especially at research institutions, i will say even at the non eu institutions, there is still a preference for phds fr