already, as it were, 25 years, almost got here, therefore, who has the idea to enter the faculty of internal troopsome an officer. no need to think, you need to go and learn. for me, my profession is mine. vocation. mm. i am going to serve further to benefit our homeland. and for me , my military personnel. it's basically like my babies are suckers, i treat them to call names. development of regions, what conditions need to be created for work and recreation in remote cities using the example of zhidvichi, we will discuss with the head of the district, belarusian farmers tested a new technology for harvesting peas, we will talk about the prospect of growing legumes, green technologies, challenges and opportunities for the economy in minsk in these days there is a major international exhibition. this area of interest talking about notable events in the economy with you veronika as if. hello, the implementation of the initiative continues throughout the country. one district, one project in zhidvichi. to do this, the engine-building plant was chosen, the last year turned out to be productive for it