just like yesterday, a guy who called me a faggot, he tackled me. police came with 13 tons. i protected myself. is -- came up with 13 guns. i protected myself. we want them to be safe. it does not make safe -- since to keep giving landmarks and not protecting our city. i hope when you make landmarks, it is more than just an ancient symbol. it is about san francisco. it is here in this city and things are out of control. we get a new archbishop who is against gay marriage. we know what a chicken is. we should go there and kiss in front of them. make sure you are protecting everything, not just the name. thank you during much. -- very much. president chiu: thank you. why don't we go to the planning department? you have up to 10 minutes. >> good afternoon, supervisors. at the may 16 hearing, the hpc a prue the -- approved a c of a. there is a larger national register district. there are only three buildings at that site that are protected and regulated under article 10. those are the three buildings that are under the jurisdiction of this body and historic preservation commissi