genes that might be connected to suicide because when you look at the number just take depression fagin forecast the possible shows that we're not quite there just possible for a hundred years from now we might get there but if you look at it twenty million people living with depression any one time and about thirty eight thousand dying by suicide sixty percent of those having depression it's a small number so we have a lot of people that are able to get through the depression but then we have some circumstances like this where the brain seems to get closer and closer to this line and it crosses a line and it's in this time that we have to get somebody into safety and security because up until that line we're not really sure if they're going to cross it or not could we have done something about fairly easy when he was tweeting absolutely absolutely absolutely no medical of are there will be leaders out that's a medical emergency just as if he was saying i'm having chest pain or i'm sure what i what do you do you exactly have a seizure you take them you have a that's right you know peopl