and, fahad nazer, a former political analyst at the embassy of saudi arabia in, we we canal you all. marwan muasher, to you first, what is the reaction in general to this deal in jordan? >> the reaction in the middle east in general, not just in jordan, is on the one side, a sign of relief that the region is going to be avoiding a war with catastrophic results. on the other side, there is concern about iran's role in the region and what an enhanced or an added financial resources that will become available to iran, what that might mean in terms of iran and its role in such places assyria or yemen or other places in the middle east. >> woodruff: fahad nazer, what about your perception. >> i think one should draw a distinction between the official government position and the prevailing sentiment. initially, the government issued a rather innocuous-sounding statement that that was read as as a tacet endorsement back on july 14. since then, obviously, the foreign minister met with top u.s. officials including president obama and secretary kerry. doctor carter was