fahed says he was alive but barely. he had a pulse, and his eyes were moving, fahed says. his mouth was black from all of the smoke. ten minutes later, rushed through the benghazi streets in a civilian's car the ambassador arrived at the hospital, but it was too late. >> the doctor tells us he got a code blue call. patient arrested, needs resuscitation. >> no breathing. >> reporter: he, too, did not realize it was stevens. body was covered in soot, he says. i began resuscitation, but after 45 minutes, the patient gave no sign of life. the libyan government vowed to bring those who attacked the consulate to justice but nearly a week later there are still contradictory accounts of what happened. the head of libya's national congress says, it was a preplanned attack. that the government thathas arrd dozens of people among members or sympathizers of al qaeda and a handful of foreigners. other senior officials say the 50 were merely brought in for questioning, and there is no evidence of an existing plot. what is undisputed is that over the past three months, attacks against we