the have been during intelligence value, but some of them have fahey value. detaining the bad guys and getting them off the street and even allowing for some of the abuses, say, of the early years in iraq is a critical tool in the counterinsurgency efforts both in iraq and afghanistan. we are shying away from given the ability among my staff to give substantial numbers of bad guys off the streets. as much as interrogation is important, detaining insurgents, taking them out of the equation as a tool to creating domestic security is critical. i was very pleased to see the senator stressed that because it gets swept under the car but a lot. >> i think the senator was also talking about the tension here. on that point, i think he has a good case to be made which is instead of reading people the miranda rights right off the bat, most of our allies, for example, when they detain someone, he or she is indicated in terrorism and they have detention laws that allow them to interrogate the suspect for sometimes days on end. those are some of our closest allies like the