is a common practice most people don't know about it only this weekend it was reveals that you case fahri park killed a lioness and all of her cubs i think people will be absolutely shocked that the industry body physique actually supported wholeheartedly the killing of marius is something that happens around the world in every city. would it not be cruel to release a potentially dangerous animal into an enclosed zoon varmint. with regards to having having is i mean these animals then they're not dangerous animals animals belong in the wild they don't belong in captivity we counter problems whenever you have an animal. in a captive environment and whenever that or any other any other industry is is forcing forcing people forcing animals to perform to entertain for money to animals always end up suffering for the coming months ahead despite a massive online campaign all activists completely helpless when it comes to situations like. no absolutely not we with we would say that if if you've been outraged by this story as rightly people should be please find out with your local zoo what they