faima muhammad is back with the follow-up to her first offering of palestine in the media. uh, it seems the uh japanese representatives are getting in on the acts at the scene for us. absolutely. japanese politician calling out the west on breaching international law and not actually speaking up for um endorsing at these force raids on hospitals. イスラエル 軍 が ガザ の 病院 に 突入 し まし た で それ を アメリカ 政府 は 参動 し てる ん です よ で それ で 日本 政府 は この 国会 の 中 で も これ は 国際 人道 法 違反 で は ない の か その 疑い は せめて 言え ない の かって いう の は i must be said for hima perhaps the the japanese aren't known for their fire brand positions on kind of external issues but people are talking people are talking all over the world countries and places that you wouldn't expect and these are the values of the west and they're being called out on the same values that they preach and at towards the end i think she was told to be quiet and she said the same thing back, no, you be quiet, i need to continue talking, it's my turn, because again, you know, it's it's quite powerful what she's doing, and it's it's not really the norm that you wo