he trains with fairburn.ne of the things he is taught is handed him her using a knife. -- hand to hand combat and using a knife. the trainer even wrote a book called "get tough." the first thing he tells you to do is bring a gun to a knife fight. you do not want to be in a knife fight. if anybody pulls a gun on you, run like the dickens. we will meet richard harms -- helms again. he does not know he is going to become director of central intelligence in 1966 and serve until 1973. one of the more remarkable women who served with oss was virginia hall, a baltimore native who served as a clerk in the state department in the 1930's, with various postings. warsaw, visit -- venice, turkey. while in turkey, she had a hunting accident. the trigger of her weapon caught and discharged the weapon into her left foot. gangrene eventually set in and the doctor was forced to take her leg below the knee. she also had a wooden leg. she had been with state for about five years and was eager to join the diplomatic corps, but ba