the largest of the feeder funds was the fairfield greenwich group. how much money did fairfield make off bernie madoff every year? >> hundreds of millions of dollars. >> kroft: if you're a feeder fund, what are you supposed to do for those hundreds of millions of dollars? >> you're supposed to identify the world's best hedge fund managers and invest only in them, and you're supposed to make sure they're not running ponzi schemes. >> the real steroids here were the feeder funds. that's what made it an international ponzi scheme. >> kroft: attorney david boies is one of the most prominent lawyers in the country and is representing fairfield greenwich investors, who lost nearly $7 billon when madoff went under. they're suing the firm for gross negligence, claiming it failed to investigate madoff thoroughly or monitor his activities as it promised to do in its marketing materials. analysis of portfolio composition, portfolio stress testing, risk management, asset verification. do you think that really happened? >> no. we know it didn't happen because we