host: let's take one more collar, marianne from fairhaven, new jersey. the morning. caller: hello. my name is marianne. my husband has been diagnosed with lewy body dementia. i have a movement disorder and i am his main caretaker. we don't have a lot of help, but my husband is progressing pretty fast. he has become very depressed. he sobs a lot. he shuffles when he walks. it is hard to understand him sometimes. he is very confused. the psychiatrist that gives him medication, he has been on several but they haven't worked. and he is suggesting that he have shock treatment. he has told me that this sometimes not only improves the depression but helps the lewy body disease. i wonder if you could address that. guest: again, your call just captures why this is so pressing for our country. thank you for being willing to share that story. so sorry you are living through that. i am not qualified to speak on shock therapy. i would mention again the 800 number that you can call to talk through these issues with trained people ready to help. it can help you sort through those things. you are