bill fairwin at the cancer center show she could slow or stop early stage prostate cancer, type ii diabetes, turn off bad changes, in three months, our engines are not our fate. most recently, we did a study with dr. elizabeth blackburn who got the nobel prize for discovering telemers, thends of chrome zones -- chromosones to reverse aging. it's the same lifestyle intervention. the person asking how can i present chronic diseases, it's the same recommendations as we have been talking about. healthier eating, exercise, stress management and have more love and support. >> that's what i wanted to ask you about because you hear go to the gym, change your diet, destress, but the love and support and the intimacy, how does that play a role? >> that's the part people think, that's touchy-feely. that used to bother me. one day i embraced it. it is touchy-feely. we are creatures of community. study after study show, the book before this one was "love and survival," reviewing hundreds and thousands of studies showing people who are lonely and depressed and isolated, the real epidemic in our culture.