faiza training day it's right you know go for the job or trade or labor or discredit so that you can trade for other goods or market it's just a value system. but it itself is valueless i kid people are. going to see the ship. going to see the sunken ship. on. our. fire truck going american to think how do you. know. who. even if. i'm. still. going to school up. the. ceiling with people who. are. up in fifty. feet and can play a key. pretty elaborate. why. does a guy like your life big manhandle my size cash let me eat let me let me let it lie against you i made. you want to make. you come i just didn't really care. and you know you i started coming here when my youngest son was ten months old and my older son was four and now they're seven and three and we're still coming kids home is the best place for families on the fire take. credit in disney land values are more important and more useful. you know you don't teach them that they want they need to buy things to be happy here everyone just gives things and you take and there's no value i mean this mom i mean that like when you go