as long as it is close to the water the muzzle belly also offers a lot of puta falkiner around us butfor those you have to paddle a little harder. but it's worth taking to detour off hill here for example are the rules of cave in book castle built in the 14th century it was repeatedly attacked destroyed and rebuilt until it was finally blown up in the 18th century from here i can get a fantastic view over the mozilla valley. there are many famous castles the germany book if they're in jail or on stein in bavaria well in just outstanding in the literal sense is elf castle not far from here and we will show you what makes this castle special and what the coronavirus restrictions mean for visitors and owners. it's castle towers over the side valley of the most l. one of the few castles that's never been destroyed it's been in the hands of the else family for close to 900 years. count and it's proud that his castle can normally cover most of its upkeep by welcoming tourists though this year revenue has dropped due to the corona crisis. even more painful to new that 900 years of history is