americans didn't go into falluja. local officials took over the administration of falluja peacefully. americans came in and took over a school in the center of town on april 28 come a couple weeks after the fall of baghdad, there is a demonstration that americans heard shots fired. they killed 17 people. they killed a bunch more the following day another demonstration began to turn the people of falluja against americans. unfortunately in the first year of iraq, the growing insurgency was just to say that in the spring of 2004, you actually do moment of optimism. he led an uprising in falluja and a shia uprising in the south. and you had sunnis hoping she is in the south fight the americans and she is going to falluja to help sunni militias fight american fare. that might not seem like a reasonable end to be optimistic about, but to me it was assigned that sunnis and shia is for fighting together against the occupation, which meant that they might at the time i thought maybe give them some kind of common narrative of