. >> commissioner falzon? >> here. >> all right. thank you. the first order of business is consideration and possible action to adopt a resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under california government code section 54953(e). do we have a motion to adopt that resolution? >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. is there any public comment on that agenda item? >> yes! >> public comment on this. which is -- >> all right. please speak into the microphone if you can, thank you. >> please state your name and you have three minutes. >> hi. is this being broadcast live? >> it is. that's the feed. >> terrific. hi. my name is michael batrelis and i'm here to talk about public comment and teleconferencing. i'm asking this body to take a stand to retain remote public comment. unfortunately, there is an effort by a supervisor to end remote public comment. this motion that he's made before the rules committee would require handicap people, working people, a lot of people with health challenges to force them to come here to city hall. i h