commissioner falzon here. commissioner perez here. commissioner thomas here, commissioner torres here, and commissioner wong is excused. okay. thank you. the next item on the agenda is item number two. general public comment. members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission with respect to agenda items, members of the public may address. the commission for up to three minutes at the time. such item is called. is there any public comment for items not listed on the agenda. for so no public comment for this item. okay. public comment is closed. the next item on the agenda is item number three. approval of minutes for the may 16th, 2023 commission meeting and the june fifth, 2023, special meeting. motion to approve. seconded awesome. okay is there a public comment on this item right. no public comment for this item. okay. seeing none public public comment is now closed. commissioner i mean, commission secretary liang. yes. vote yes. vote.