the big, blinking, familr, erican directiol arrow marked race.icans hav attackeder latina comments, called her an affirmative action nomie, singled out r ruling in an affiative action discrination case, and have called the lead white plaf from that case to testify against her. now in the final da leading up to the hearings they have chosen to invade against her work for the erto rican legal dense and educatiofund. the republicans have decide to have senator jeff essions lead this battle for them. when arlen specter dfected to the democratic party the republicans ha choice of who shld be their top senator on the judiciary committee and ertly chose jeff sessions of alabama to b thatop republican. he h his own chce at a federal judgeship blocked in 1986 by the senat judiciary mmittee by both democrats and republicans aftetestimony that sessions called an african-american assistant u.s. atrney boy and that he call the naac quote, american and commist inspired. . sessions fered this explanation at the time for his behaor. >> these comments that you co